Anti-Wrinkle Injectables
What Are Anti-wrinkle Injections?
Anti-wrinkle injections contain a potent purified neurotoxin. When the medication is injected into a muscle, it blocks communication between the muscle and the nerves that connect to it. This prevents the muscle from receiving signals that trigger muscle movement. The muscle cannot contract, which in turn causes the overlying skin to relax. The appearance of wrinkles can be significantly reduced with this treatment, resulting in a smoother complexion and refreshed appearance.
There are many benefits to anti-wrinkle injections. They are more affordable than surgery, less risky than surgery and require less downtime. Each treatment session is quick and results appear in a relatively short period of time. Although the improvements are not permanent, they are long-lasting for a nonsurgical solution.

Benefits of The Treatments
Soften fine lines & wrinkles – creates a natural-looking reduction in expression lines such as frown lines, smile lines and crows feet.
Revitalise appearance – when professionally administered, anti-wrinkle injections can restore and revitalise your appearance.
Prevent future deep line formation – by relaxing the muscle, anti-wrinkle injections reduce wrinkles and can prevent future lines from forming or deepening.
What Is The Difference Between Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Dermal Fillers?
Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are both injectable treatments that minimise the appearance of facial wrinkles. Both are effective options for the right patient, but they address slightly different concerns and have different mechanisms of action.
Anti-wrinkle injections are also known as neuromodulators. They work by temporarily stopping the normal motion of muscles into which they are injected. This treatment relaxes wrinkles that are the result of muscles repeatedly contracting in the same location.
Dermal fillers are designed to add volume, lift and symmetry to your face, giving you a refreshed and natural appearance.
Anti-Wrinkle Injectables FAQ
What areas can be treated?
The most common treatment areas for wrinkle reduction are crow’s feet (lines around the outer eyes), glabella (between the eyes) and the forehead. Other areas may also be treated at iBeauty Cosmetic Clinic as we have extremely experienced practitioners who treat even the most complex areas such as ‘bunny lines’ (lines on the nose), jaw-lines, chins and necks.
Muscle relaxants can even be used to treat excessive sweating and jaw grinding.
How much do they cost?
Pricing depends on the treatment area and other factors unique to you. We recommend coming in for a consultation with one of our doctors or registered nurse injectors for an accurate assessment and quote.
How long does it last?
The effect can last up to 6 months, although with regular treatments it may be possible to reduce the dosage.
How long does it take to work?
It generally takes 3 to 10 days after the treatment for the maximum to develop fully and re-treatment should not occur within that period.
Can I have this treatment while pregnant or breastfeeding?
It is not recommended to receive injectable treatments while pregnant or breastfeeding. Risks are uncertain due to lack of research.
Can I have it if I’m under 18?
We do not treat anyone under the age of 18 for cosmetic injectables. We do however, offer a wide-range of skin treatments suitable for younger age groups and we welcome you to visit our clinic with a parent or guardian to discuss any of these options.

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